Intestinal Parasites: Two of the most common types of worms are roundworms and tapeworms and these digestive tract worms can trigger symptoms such as weight loss and diarrhea. If an infestation is bad enough, worms can cause intestinal irritation (bloody stools) and/or impaction. We recommend a fecal test each year to detect intestinal parasites Pets may need de-wormer more than once a year, depending on their lifestyle and living situation.
Heartworm Disease is becoming more common each year in our area. It is a serious, life-threatening disease transmitted by mosquitos that affects dogs. Fortunately, Heartworm disease prevention is simple and effective. We recommend testing your dog annually and a preventative year round. When they bite, mosquitoes can transmit heartworm infection. These parasites can severely and sometimes fatally damage the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. Some pets may not show any signs of infection; in those that do, symptoms can vary widely. Signs of heartworm disease can range from coughing, fatigue, and weight loss to difficulty breathing and a swollen abdomen (caused by fluid accumulation from heart failure). Canine heartworm infection can be life-threatening. Treatment for heartworm infection is far more expensive than prevention. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to keep your dog safe by administering monthly heartworm preventives. Most heartworm medications also protect your pet against other intestinal parasites, such as roundworms, hookworms, whipworms.
Fleas are a large concern this area. These little parasites can risk your pet’s health. Year-round treatment is highly recommended. While dog and cat flea treatment is usually easy and straightforward, dealing with the aftermath of the infestation can be more challenging. Fleas can cause problems for pets ranging from minor to life-threatening. Not only can these parasites cause severe itching, irritation, and allergies, but they can also transmit tapeworms and diseases.
Ticks are becoming more and more prevalent in North America, and they’re now being found in areas where people and pets didn’t previously encounter ticks. These parasites aren’t just a nuisance; they can cause serious—and sometimes deadly—diseases, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, and tick paralysis. Symptoms can include coughing, joint pain, trouble breathing, fever, weakness, or loss of appetite, weight, energy, or coordination. The best method for keeping ticks off your pet is by keeping your dog or cat on a tick preventive. Even indoor-only pets are at risk because ticks can hitch a ride inside on your clothing or shoes. Tick preventives are safe and highly effective at controlling ticks and the diseases they carry.